
How Old To Work At Tattoo

Becoming A Tattoo Artist

Being a tattoo artist isn't the nearly glamorous chore and very few people earn an extravagant paycheck from it. Even so it's still 1 of the more reliable and assisting ways to earn a living every bit an creative person.

Still, it'due south more than just the money. Most people who want to become tattoo artists do then considering they feel it'due south their calling. They're drawn to the idea of existence the person who helps give people the await they desire or help them permanently commemorate something important.

If that sounds like you, y'all've probably wondered what steps yous have to have and what hoops you have to jump through to become a professional person tattoo artist. Nosotros've compiled all that information here so y'all tin get all the answers you're looking for.

Do You lot Need Any Credentials to Piece of work as a Tattoo Artist?

There are no credentials required to become a tattoo artist. If you operate your own tattoo shop, you'll demand certification, including a concern license, but that's another matter.

On the other hand, many aspiring tattoo artists get formal grooming or education in fine arts, whether they practise information technology by going to art schoolhouse, taking a series of classes, or participating in several workshops.

While yous don't need a college or technical school degree to work as a tattoo artist, yous might need a tattoo license.

Getting a Tattoo License

Some states require only the tattoo shop itself to have a permit to operate, not the individuals working in it. Although, in many jurisdictions, yous'll need a personal license to work equally a tattoo creative person. Even if you work in a land with no licensing requirements, there may still be municipal regulations that you must comply with.

To larn a tattoo license (where one is required), you'll need at a minimum to exist at least 18 years of age and have successfully completed an apprenticeship with a professional person tattoo artist.

Regulations vary across states and some may have boosted licensing requirements, such as the completion of a grade on understanding and preventing the spread of blood-borne pathogens. Starting time assistance and CPR training is too required in some states.

You may likewise need proof that you have received a hepatitis B vaccine – and even in states where this is not a requirement, it'due south prudent for anyone working in contact with blood to be current with their vaccines.

In nigh cases, yous'll have to pass an exam to larn your license. Some states will as well crave y'all to testify proof that you lot've completed a certain number of tattoos.

If you lot intend to tattoo in a different country (mayhap to attend an out-of-town result or workshop), your license won't carry over. You lot volition demand to learn a temporary tattoo license from the state you're planning to tattoo in.

Secure an Apprenticeship Under a Professional person Tattoo Artist

Anybody wishes they could jump in and showtime earning a living right abroad, merely tattooing is a high-stakes activeness and it takes some getting used to. You'll need supervision from an experienced tattooist, who volition give you a controlled surroundings where you volition get to do some limited work to gain experience.

You'll also learn knowledge that is critical for operating in a professional and safe capacity. Not merely how to properly operate the tattoo car and other equipment, simply also how to ensure that everything you employ is properly sterilized.

Unfortunately, those apprenticeships are either unpaid or minimally paid. Though, this is your professional person education. Remember of it like going to college or a technical school, none of which pay yous but they are of import beginning steps for many careers. But remember, yous will earn a good tattoo artist salary if you lot proceed to push through and complete your learning.

Unless yous can live with your parents while you're apprenticing, you'll have to become a job to pay the bills while learning your merchandise on the side. Slinging java, washing dishes, and mopping floors probably aren't function of your career plan, but after a year or two, you lot should exist able to starting time pursuing your dream of tattooing for a living.

What Your Apprenticeship Will Exist Like

Working in a tattoo shop might be exciting, but an apprenticeship isn't exactly glamorous.

Y'all'll start past working on the most menial tasks. Information technology'll be your task to keep the shop make clean, practise some basic paperwork, and run errands (don't exist surprised if you learn everyone's coffee guild inside your first week).

Soon, you'll get to practise some of the work that is adjacent to the tattooing itself. You'll be laying out equipment, mixing ink, sterilizing the gear, and you might even be made to tattoo on things other than human skin (practicing on fruit with rinds is common).

Afterward all that, you'll accept finally worked your way up to actually tattooing people. However, you might not be allowed to tattoo the bodily clientele at first. Many apprentices take to bring people in with the promise of a free tattoo – friends and family unit, oft.

By the end, if you've proven yourself, you'll probably be allowed to ink simple designs on actual customers.

How to Get an Apprenticeship

And then, an apprenticeship is needed, but how do you get one?

The first thing y'all demand to do is take a way to prove your piece of work. Like any visual creative person, you'll demand to put together a portfolio before somebody can consider training y'all up.

Being a tattoo artist is often less like beingness a painter and more similar beingness a graphic designer. You'll be helping customers bring their visions and their styles to life. That means you'll be working with a wide range of artistic methods and techniques.

While other artists might be able to just specialize, tattoo artists as well need some general skills. To demonstrate that, you'll need a portfolio that shows how much you lot can do (lamentable, showing upwardly with 100 drawings of skulls and roses won't exist plenty).

Include 100 to 200 sketches that non merely show different kinds of designs, but also make a case that you lot can skillfully handle shading, use colors creatively, and brand dimensions pop.

The side by side thing to do is to network. If there are tattoo events in your area, attend them. If you're getting tattooed, become to know your artist. It'll exist easier to get an apprenticeship if you're already a familiar face up.

How Much Does It Toll?

Condign a tattoo artist isn't gratuitous. At that place are a lot of costs you'll have to foot before y'all can get-go earning money.

Invest in Quality Equipment

Like any major artistic piece of work, tattooing involves a lot of equipment.

Since you're dealing with people'southward pare, blood, and wounds, you can't showtime off cheap. You need to use the right equipment to do the task well and practise the chore safely.

So, what are you looking at in terms of equipment cost?

You'll need more than y'all probably think, including:

  • Two or more tattoo machines
  • Dispensable needles
  • Professional grade tattoo ink
  • Disposable gloves
  • Skin pens (used to draw the blueprint outline on the skin earlier tattooing)

All of that, forth with some contrasted odds and ends, volition bring the starting price to a few thousand dollars. The costs can vary, but become into it set up to pay around $4,000 just for the gear.

Plus, of course, that's just your starting equipment. You'll somewhen need to refresh your ink supply, purchase more needles, and and then on.

Unfortunately, apprenticing under a tattoo artist doesn't mean yous get to apply their equipment. Keep in mind how much work is involved in showing yous the ropes and supervising you – time that takes them away from their own tattooing. They don't want to take to pay for your gear on height of all that.

Apprenticeship Fees

Some apprenticeships are complimentary, while other tattoo parlors will charge you a few thousand dollars for the privilege of learning with them.

In the more heavily regulated states, an apprenticeship will toll a lot more, approximately $10,000.


You will demand to pay a modest fee to utilise for your tattoo license or renew an expired one. Most tattoo licenses elapse subsequently one twelvemonth and must exist renewed to continue working legally.

Some Natural Talent Is Needed

No one likes being told that it will take more than just the right training to get the job that they want. Though unfortunately, that'due south the case with being a tattoo creative person. It actually isn't something but anyone can do. Beginners accept a lot of piece of work to exercise.

At that place's a certain amount of raw talent and artistic flair involved. You can get all the grooming you lot want, but no one is going to want you to tattoo them if information technology looks like a nine-yr-old drew the designs.

Now, that doesn't mean that only because you're acing art class, you're gear up to kickoff inking people. Tattooing skin with a needle is a completely different experience than painting a sail or rubbing charcoal on sketch paper. You'll demand practice no thing how good your design skills are.

A steady hand too makes a huge difference. There are no erasers when it comes to tattooing (okay, fine, there are laser treatments, merely try telling your client they demand to undergo light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation tattoo removal because you screwed it up). Yous can cover upwards small errors, only for the most office, you simply get 1 adventure. If you're the kind of person who might slip up and need a 2d typhoon, then y'all either demand a lot more practice or to find a unlike line of work.

Have Intendance of Your Body

Y'all don't need to exist an athlete or work out until you wait fit to be a tattoo artist, but you will need to take reasonably good care of your body.

Tattooing is a marathon activity. You tin spend hours working on a single tattoo, inking in every item and getting the shading correct. You need to accept the energy and the endurance to go through that.

If you lead a really unhealthy lifestyle, yous might not be able to put up with the work without succumbing to fatigue. Everyone needs to take an occasional break, but no one wants to be tattooed past someone who can only do thirty-minute sessions before they start to feel tired or shaky.

If you want to make information technology through your apprenticeship, taking care of your body (including acceptable diet and sufficient sleep) is not optional.

Avoiding Ergonomic Injuries

There's another, more serious reason to take intendance of your body.

Many tattoo artists worry that they won't be able to practice the task for life. That'due south because tattooing full fourth dimension tin atomic number 82 to debilitating ergonomic injuries.

Just wait at the style tattoo artists have to sit, lean, and contort themselves to ink a design on a customer's skin. So there are the small-scale motions they have to practice over and over when handling the tattoo machine.

Information technology'south non unusual, then, for tattoo artists to develop back problems or succumb to repetitive motion injuries.

When they've been in the business long enough, some tattooists arrange to their injuries by opening up or managing a tattoo shop. That allows them to tattoo but office-fourth dimension while spending the rest of their workdays on administrative tasks.

Those who can't find a fashion to stay in the business while scaling back the amount of tattooing they exercise, simply have to hang up their equipment and find a line of piece of work that doesn't cause their injuries to flare up.

That's unfortunate, but what does this mean for you as an aspiring tattoo artist?

You demand to take good care of your body, at present and when you lot're apprenticing.

Lookout your posture when you're tattooing. Practise your all-time to observe a comfortable way to sit down. If possible, movement your stool or chair as you piece of work on different parts of the tattoo instead of trying to lean over too far or stretch your arm out in an uncomfortable position.

Make sure you have breaks. You're probably eager to do as much work every bit possible and show off how quickly yous can work, only it won't be worth it if you're putting your wrists, fingers, and elbow through enough punishing, repetitive stress that yous develop tendonitis.

That kind of care doesn't just start and end at piece of work. Make sure y'all continue a good, comfortable posture during your off hours. If you throw out your back at dwelling house, you won't exist much use in the shop except to sweep the floors, sterilize the gear, and reply the phone.

In other words, yous need to take intendance of your torso so that it doesn't give out and get in the way of your tattoo career before it even starts.


Becoming a tattoo artist isn't complicated, only it is hard work. You'll also demand to buy your ain equipment, secure an apprenticeship, and learn a license.

Only once yous've washed that, the rest is purely dedication, practise, patience and perseverance.

How Old To Work At Tattoo,


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