
How To Make Sharpie Tattoo Without Baby Powder

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Take yous ever wanted a tattoo but you lot were either too young, too bankrupt, or didn't want to commit to something for life? Luckily, you tin create a imitation tattoo unique to your way without breaking the bank or your moral code. Effort making a tattoo using a sharpie with either baby powder and hairspray, or with gel deodorant. All the post-obit methods should assist you accomplish creating your Sharpie tattoo!

Sample Tattoo Designs

  1. 1

    Draw your tattoo design on your skin. Take your sharpie, and draw your tattoo directly onto your skin.[1] Y'all tin can use multiple colors of sharpie if you similar, but keep in heed that any you draw volition exist the 'permanent' version. Information technology may be easier to have a friend assist with this part, to make sure that your cartoon is only right. Await for the sharpie to dry completely.

  2. ii

    Coat the drawing in baby powder. Pour a generous amount of babe pulverisation into your mitt, and thoroughly coat the sharpie drawing with the powder. Rub it into the drawing; it shouldn't bleed or smear. Wipe off any excess powder that doesn't stick to your skin.[ii]


  3. three

    Spray the tattoo with hairspray. Hold a can of hairspray 12–16 inches (30.5–40.6 cm) away from your tattoo, and spray over the unabridged thing. Make sure to thoroughly coat the tattoo and infant pulverization, although be careful not to get it all over the place. Wait for the hairspray to dry.[3]

  4. four

    Wipe off all of the excess. Use a tissue to advisedly wipe away any actress baby powder or hairspray around the tattoo. When the hairspray is dry out, the tattoo should be 'permanent' and won't smear when rubbed with a tissue. This method should brand the tattoo concluding for up to a month.[4]


  1. ane

    Trace your tattoo onto your tracing paper. If y'all're copying an image, place your tracing paper over the tiptop of the image and carefully draw the outline. Endeavor to place it on as flat of a surface on your arm as possible. Otherwise, draw the tattoo you would like onto tracing paper (even if you don't accept to trace). You can use multiple shades of sharpie if you would like, simply make sure information technology is a 'sharpie' and not some other blazon of pen or ink.

  2. 2

    Coat your skin with gel deodorant. On the place y'all would like your tattoo, spread a layer of the gel deodorant. Make sure that there is enough that information technology doesn't dry right away, but avoid putting then much of the gel that it prevents the newspaper from coming into contact with your skin.[v]

  3. 3

    Put the drawing on top of the gel. Place the tattoo cartoon face-downward onto the gel layer on your skin. Concur it in that location for a minute with firm force per unit area, then that the paradigm volition transfer. When you lot're finished, remove the paper and check the results. Ready any mistakes in the drawing by repeating the aforementioned process.

  4. 4

    Set the tattoo with baby powder. Sprinkle baby powder on tiptop of the tattoo, to absorb any leftover moisture and to help it to set. Doing this volition make the tattoo concluding much longer than without; no infant powder ways that your temporary tattoo will only last 2-iii days.

  5. five

    Wipe away any excess. Utilise a clean tissue to advisedly wipe off whatever gel or powder that might notwithstanding be on your skin. Be careful not to rub the tattoo also much, until yous're sure that it has ready and is completely dry. When yous're done, you can aid protect the tattoo for longer by roofing it up with a wrap when you're sleeping.[6]


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  • Question

    What tin can I use besides babe pulverisation?

    Community Answer

    If you don't have infant powder, Gold Bail or cornstarch also work.

  • Question

    Can I use metallic Sharpies?

    Community Answer

    Yes, of course! Go on in listen that metallic Sharpies are made using a slightly dissimilar formula than standard Sharpies. Some types of hair spray may crusade the pigments to separate. Before doing your final tattoo, consider doing a spot test first.

  • Question

    This did not piece of work. I drew a complex plume but when I sprayed it melted. What can I do?

    Community Answer

    Later adding the baby powder, let information technology sit down for 5 to fifteen minutes, then spray the hairspray and then information technology doesn't smear.

  • Question

    How practice I remove it?

    Community Answer

    Typically if y'all use just soap and water you can use your nail to "scratch" away the ink. Despite information technology being said that Sharpie is permanent, information technology is surprisingly like shooting fish in a barrel to remove.

  • Question

    Does information technology have to be a Sharpie, or can it be another type of pen?

    Community Answer

    It volition piece of work with a regular pen. Only keep in heed that this might not piece of work for all pare types.

  • Question

    How can I make it final a month?

    Community Answer

    Apply a thin layer of hairspray over the tattoo and avert washing the area.

  • Question

    Can this as well work with the gel deodorant and flour, or does it take to be baby powder?

    Community Answer

    Wheat flour is not every bit expert as cornflour. Wheat flour tends not to be fine enough.

  • Question

    Can I apply something else instead of hairspray?

    Community Answer

    Try some makeup setting spray. You can find it at most beauty supply shops.

  • Question

    What tin can I apply other than gel deodorant with the tracing newspaper method?

    Community Answer

    Trace the design with pencil and go over information technology a few times. Then, run over the surface area with a damp newspaper towel, place the design on information technology and run your mitt over it. It's very lite but it works as a transfer for you to get over with a pen or a marker.

  • Question

    Information technology won't come off when you shower right?

    Community Answer

    If you use gel it might, but if you utilise the permeant hairspray over it, so it should be more water resistant.

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  • Endeavour to avert washing/scrubbing your tattoo when you shower, to help it last longer.

  • If yous don't take baby powder, Gold Bail or cornstarch likewise works.

  • If you spray the hairspray too shut to your tattoo and the ink starts to run, dab it off rapidly and catch a Q-tip. Dip the Q-tip in some running alcohol, be sure to squeeze out whatever excess, and carefully rub around the edges of your tattoo to get rid of any unwanted ink.

  • While fixing your tattoo, be sure to dab it with a clean bit of tissue or toilet paper every one to ii seconds to forestall the rubbing alcohol from further damaging your tattoo.

  • If you draw the tattoo and mess upwardly, employ blast smoothen remover to gear up the lines.

  • If you aren't comfortable using a sharpie, you can too use a Crayola marker or an ex-op marker.

  • Be brash, these do not survive more than 48 hours if contacted by article of clothing or with regular bathing. Sleeves will wear the ink off arms within two days.

  • Every time you fix the tattoo be certain to add another small coat of hairspray. The fresh ink you applied is notwithstanding to be coated, and then without the hairspray, it will come off even faster.

  • If you ever desire to requite a dripping effect or want to make your tattoo fade (or go away, of course), spray your tattoo with body spray. Information technology non just makes the tattoo runny, just information technology can also make it fade, of that's what you desire.

  • Change tissues frequently to avoid smearing powder and making a mess of your tattoo.

  • Earlier applying baby pulverisation and hairspray, let the sharpie dry and add multiple layers for added realism.

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  • Peel tin react to alcohol or Sharpies, so be cautious.


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Article Summary Ten

To create a Sharpie tattoo, use a permanent marker to draw a design on your skin. Next, coat the drawing with baby powder and rub information technology in with your fingers, and so wipe off any excess powder. Spray the area with hairspray, holding the can 12 inches from the tattoo. Subsequently the hairspray has dried, employ a tissue to wipe away whatsoever remaining hairspray or babe powder from the design. For tips on how tattoo a traced epitome, continue reading!

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How To Make Sharpie Tattoo Without Baby Powder,


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