The cousin of a man who tragically drowned in a lake has spoken about the heart-breaking moment he realised the 'stranger' he was trying to save was in fact his relative. Scott Ferries, 24, died after the kayak he and his friend were in capsized in Loch Doon, Scotland on Sunday, March 27.

Hashemite kingdom of jordan Ferries, 27, had been enjoying a camping trip with his friends, completely unaware his younger cousin was likewise in the area. After hearing cries for help, Jordan spotted a human struggling in the h2o.

The software engineer and his friends leapt into action and dragged the person to shore. At the time, Jordan had no idea the man he was trying to save was his cousin due to the status Scott'south body was in.

Speaking to The Daily Record, Hashemite kingdom of jordan relived the harrowing moment he recognised Scott.

He said: "He didn't look like Scott, considering of what had happened in the h2o. His face was white, his lips were bluish. I didn't realise information technology was him."

Scott Ferries was kayaking with his friend

Scott Ferries was kayaking with his friend

As Jordan's friends battled to resuscitate the man, he noticed distinctive tattoos on his artillery that he recognised as Scott's, leading to a gut-wrenching realisation. Jordan said: "I saw a star on his wrist and a tribal tattoo on his forearm.

"That'due south when it hit me - 'This is Scott Ferries. This is my wee cousin'. Realising it was my own flesh and blood is difficult to describe. Information technology was just complete shock and horror.

"I just couldn't believe information technology to be honest. I tin can't believe we were camped 50ft from each other and I didn't know Scott was there until it was too late."

Panicked Jordan desperately tried to call an ambulance, just struggled due to a lack of mobile phone betoken. Eventually, using an app he had downloaded, he managed to send for emergency assistance and pinpoint the group'due south exact location.

Mercy crews raced to the scene, but despite the best efforts of paramedics, Scott was tragically pronounced dead. Jordan and friends of both cousins had battled to save his life for virtually an 60 minutes.

Jordan added: "My head is total of ifs and buts. It'south easy to beat yourself upwardly about it. We did everything that we were supposed to do in that situations, but it just wasn't enough."

Loch Doon

Loch Doon

He paid tribute to his cousin, who worked every bit a mechanic at his dad'due south garage in Ayr, by describing him equally 'derisive' with a passion for cars and dogs. He said: "I recollect changing a tyre with Scott when he was only 11 or 12-years-old.

"He could jack upward a car in two seconds, knew exactly what wrench to get and had it sorted within five minutes. Cars were his passion. He also loved his wee dog Roxy, he would ever talk nigh her and that'south what his life revolved around.

"Scott ever had a cheeky wee smile on him and he was cheeky, simply funny. He would have done anything for everyone."

Scott with his dog Roxy

Scott with his dog Roxy

A constabulary spokesperson said at the time: "Officers received reports of two men in difficulty in the h2o at Loch Doon, Dalmellington, around 1.15pm on Sunday, March 27. 1 man died at the scene.

"The other man was checked over past paramedics but did not crave further medical handling. A report will exist submitted to the procurator fiscal but there do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances."

You can donate to the fundraiser to help Scott's family here.

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