
How To Get A Tattoo By Horiyoshi

getting a tattoo in Japan
Photograph past Sarah Noorbakhsh

Every cheapo has their reasons for striving towards a thrifty lifestyle, a special thing they splurge their hard-saved yen on. For some of united states, that thing is fine art—large and painful art that goes correct onto the skin and lasts a lifetime. I got my kickoff tattoo a few years after leaving Tokyo for London, and in one case I got caught up in the ink addiction, I knew I had to come back and become a piece or two done. Because what journey to Japan would be consummate without taking home a piece of local artwork?

There tin be some mystique surrounding irezumi (literally "insert ink"—the native word for tattoos) in Nihon, generally due to the country'southward long and complicated human relationship with the art. In reality, though, getting inked here isn't so hard. If you're thinking about going nether the needle while vacationing or living in Nihon, read on for some tips learned over the course of iii tattoos.

getting a tattoo in Japan
Photograph by Sarah Noorbakhsh

Wait…but aren't tattoos NG in Nippon?

Yeah…but things are irresolute…kind of. For centuries Japan has hitting down hard on tattoos, historically due to their clash with religious values, as well as their seemingly inextricable link to organized criminal offense and, much later, troublesome Russian sailors. But in the past decade or so there has been a very gradual alter in attitude as 'fashion tattoos' have gained popularity with celebs and normal people, while 'yakuza tattoos' accept fallen out of mode with the new generation of white-neckband gang members.

Anti-tattoo policies take been loosening upwards, merely with small-scale businesses leading the accuse—non big concatenation gyms or spas. Equally Japan gets set to welcome a huge influx of tourists leading up to the 2020 Olympics, local businesses are slowly realizing they'll take to start accepting foreigners with tattoos, or lose out on a lot of acquirement. In March, the Japan Tourism Agency kindly requested onsen and bath house operators to please, delight accept tattooed foreigners—simply turning away Japanese with tattoos is even so okay.

So while things look to be irresolute over the next few years, be aware that a double standard is being formed, and if you alive and work in Nihon you might not be on the lucky side of it. Visible tattoos, or even non-visible tattoos that your co-workers observe out about, may still cause problems at your current or time to come workplace depending on the company.

For those happy to buck the status quo and make the jump, Tattoo Spot provides a skilful list of tattoo-friendly businesses around the country.

Finding an artist

The first step to finding the perfect artist is deciding what fashion of tattoo you desire. Japan is the natural place to seek out a wabori (traditional Japanese) design, but there are besides plenty of artists who do old school, realistic, anime, geometric, or even good ol' tribal tattoos—if that's what you actually, really want. Next, consider where in Japan you lot'd like to find an creative person (the closer to 'home', the better) and, of grade, your budget.

If yous're looking to get a traditional tebori tattoo, à la Horiyoshi Three, be aware that it's a slow process. Tebori means "to carve by paw", and these tattoos are made by pricking the skin with a minor comb of bamboo needles that have been dipped in ink. Hand-poked tattoos take much longer than a machine, so larger pieces volition crave many more sessions. Large tattoos often take years to complete, requiring a visit to the artist every few weeks or months for a session.

Tebori artists have long waiting lists and are less likely to have inquiries in English. Some also require an introduction from another client. Unless you've got the fourth dimension, coin and connections for it, yous might desire to stick with something pocket-size or give this one a miss.

With all that in listen, leave your keyboard and beginning cracking. These days the internet is the best place to hunt for lists of studios, check out portfolios, and gather information well-nigh pricing and how to go far contact. There are some (incomplete) lists of Japanese artists at places like Tattooers.cyberspace, Tattoo Spot and Tattoo Hitting, but you're really just better off jumping down the rabbit pigsty through your favorite search engine. Many artists as well curate their work on Facebook and Instagram, so take a expect at that place too.

If you lot're in Nippon and a luddite, at that place are tattoo magazines similar Tattoo T r ibal, Tattoo Burst and Tattoo Girls, but they're published infrequently and may exist difficult to find.

Many spectacular Japanese artists oftentimes do conventions and guest spots around the earth. Take a look at the past lineups of major tattoo conventions and see what kind of Japanese artists participate. If you've been tattooed before, you can also inquire your local creative person or studio if they have whatsoever recommendations for artists in Japan, equally they may know someone personally from said conventions and guest spots. Having a Japanese artist that travels to your area tin be a huge bonus if you want big work that cannot exist completed in a few sessions.

getting a tattoo in Japan
Photograph past Sarah Noorbakhsh

Contacting the artist

Once you've constitute an artist or studio that feels right, get in contact through their preferred means of communication, which could range from a class on their website to a call or a walk-in. But don't but cease past without alarm unless their website states they accept walk-ins! If y'all arrive unannounced, the artist may be in the middle of a session and unable to give you the time of day; it doesn't make a keen first impression. Email or call the studio instead.

Have a practiced idea of what you want—the clearer and more than fleshed-out (ahaha), the better. Every artist does things at a different stride, and they may or may non desire to hear specific details right from the kickoff. But for the introductory e-mail or phone call, exist certain to give them information similar preferred dates and desired size of the tattoo then they can figure out how long they'll need and if they have time.

Contact the artist equally early as possible, specially if you lot'll be travelling from abroad to get inked. If you don't hear back in a week or then, don't be afraid to electronic mail once again or try to contact them some other way. Even digital mail service can slip through the cracks!

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getting a tattoo in Japan
Photo by Sarah Noorbakhsh

Large tattoos

Ready to get your full-body yakuza tattoo? Programme alee…the larger tattoo the longer it takes, and the inked surface area should be virtually completely healed between sessions—a process that takes up to two weeks. If you alive in Japan it's not an issue to repeatedly visit an artist, simply things become more hard if traveling from away. While multiple sessions can be done in a row (ouch!), a tattoo that takes iii or more than sessions volition likely require a 10-day to two-week healing period in between every two sessions. Well-nigh sessions run a maximum of four or five hours, so do the math. If coming from away, extremely large tattoos (back, chest or leg) will likely take more than 1 trip to Nihon to complete, unless your artist travels and is planning to exercise a guest spot somewhere near you.

How much does it cost?

Tattoos are generally charged per hour of actual inking time, but some artists charge extra for time spent sketching designs and cartoon up the transfer. They'll be able to estimate how many hours a piece will have, simply the bodily time may differ in the end. In Tokyo prices more often than not range between ten,000 yen and fifteen,000 yen per hour for car tattooing, but tebori will cost more. Be enlightened that some artists as well have a minimum charge, even for pocket-sized designs.

For rates, terms and deposit requirements, ask the creative person directly, merely be polite. A tattoo lasts for a lifetime—this isn't the time to be a cheapo!

getting a tattoo in Japan
Photo by Sarah Noorbakhsh

Tattoo terminology

刺青/入れ墨 (irezumi): Literally, "insert ink", the native give-and-take for tattoo. This often connotes traditional Japanese-manner tattoos, like the kind worn by the yakuza.

タトゥー (tatou): Tin exist used interchangeably with irezumi, but oft refers to tattoos done with a car, Western-style tattoos, and tattoos worn by foreigners.

彫り師 (horishi): Tattoo artist

手彫り(tebori): Traditional style of tattooing, using bamboo needles dipped in ink and poked into the pare past hand.

機械彫り (kikaibori): Tattoos done with a tattooing machine.

和彫り(wabori): Tattoos with Japanese designs.

洋彫り(yobori): Tattoos with non-Japanese designs.

ファッションタトゥー (mode tatou): Used to vaguely designate betwixt tattoos worn by criminals and tattoos worn by other people 'for fashion'.

ワンポイント(wan-pointo): Small-scale stand-alone tattoos, often about the size of a matchbox or a deck of cards.

五分彫り (gobun-hori): A half-sleeve tattoo, from the shoulder to merely above the elbow.

七分彫り (shichibun-hori): A ¾ sleeve tattoo, from the shoulder to the thickest point of the forearm.

十分彫り (jubun-hori): A full sleeve, from the shoulder to the wrist

Photograph credit: Tattoo by Horizaru Tattoo.

getting a tattoo in Japan getting a tattoo in Japan getting a tattoo in Japan


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