
What Does The Errow Mean Tattoo On Arm

Got my commencement tattoo at xviii, then waited 32 years to become some other. Meanwhile, I'one thousand the editor of TatRing, a trunk art website.

What Does an Arrow Tattoo Hateful?

Arrows are very former and familiar objects, probably recognizable past anyone who can talk. They've been around since before recorded history, later all, and were invented long before the wheel. Although Neanderthals probably didn't use arrows, early humans did, and that might explain what happened to the Neanderthals.

If we found someone who didn't know what an arrow was, how would we explain it? It'due south like a little spear you shoot into the air—a long bullet made of forest, stone, and feathers. Merely information technology's more than that. Information technology is a bespoken sculpture, an elegant geometric tool, as cute equally information technology is useful and as it is deadly.

Early on bows and arrows offer some insight into the origins of human being intellect. The fact that they were invented more than 71,000 years ago is evidence that we humans began to think and act like modern people early in our evolution: agreement materials, observing physics, inventing and using new technologies, conniving smarter ways to prevail and endure.

Ane trick of human intelligence is converting ideas to symbols. We like to interpret big ideas into elementary marks that represent those things, like how a musical note illustrates a particular sound and the activity a musician must perform to brand information technology.

Thus, the weapon-arrow has morphed into the graphic design you meet on street signs. Well-nigh keyboards offer an array of mode options: ➡ ➸ ➮ ⌦ ⟿ ⭄ ⭆ ⇟ ⇪ ⤿ ⥁.

The pointer tattoo represents all this: history, utility, beauty, intellect—and more.

By Andrey Svetov Tattoo

By Andrey Svetov Tattoo


What Do Arrows (as in Weaponry) Stand for?

What the arrow means depends, of course, on how information technology'south depicted. Below, you'll detect interpretations for many different arrow tattoo designs.

Arrow on a Bow: A nocked arrow being pulled dorsum on a bowstring might represent potent readiness, a high betoken of tension, or intense focus or aim. If it was but released from the bow, information technology marks the end of waiting and stillness, a sudden transition to motion and frontward momentum. An arrow tin can only shoot forward after information technology has been drawn dorsum on the bow, so it could too represent the momentary setback before a blast of activeness. A nocked arrow might too represent the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. A bow on your bow arm is a perpetual within-reach weapon or means of defense.

Arrowhead: The arrow's tip is, obviously, its business end, the deadliest part. It's as well the role that volition final the longest.

Arrow-Stabbed Center: Apparently, the encarmine, painful, violent cease of love might exist evoked by this symbol, but it might also represent Cupid'southward arrow since Cupid was the Roman god of erotic love and desire (aka Eros in Greek mythology), and anyone stuck by his arrow barbarous immediately in love. A tattoo depicting any body part beingness pierced by an arrow could show that the wearer is in love.

(continued, below...)

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Broken Arrow: A snapped shaft might represent pacifism or peace. If a marksman breaks an pointer intentionally, it might signify the end of the boxing or a resolution to stop fighting. Information technology could also mean impotence or thwarted desire. Someone might get this pattern to bear witness they are breaking away from erstwhile patterns and starting afresh.

Bundle or Quiver of Arrows: This might mean you're armed and set for whatsoever battle. This arsenal might be inked in an easily-accessed spot (on the arm, leg, or back). Five arrows was the symbol for the v nations of the Iroquois League and represented force, unity, and shared goals.

Compass Arrow: An arrow bisecting one of the compass' points might represent a definite plan, plot, scheme, or a brave new direction. The addition of the compass turns the arrow into a guided missile, one that tin travel a long distance and still hitting its mark.

Crossed Arrows: When the arrows cross to form an X, this is traditionally a sign of friendship or truce. Many friends get matching tattoos with this design.

Diamond-Headed Arrow: Since diamond is ane of the hardest materials, an arrowhead made of diamond might correspond invincibility.

Plume-Arrow: Feathers and arrows seem to go together, both aesthetically and symbolically. They are both straight, fine-pointed things that convey delicate precision. Feathers are traditionally used every bit fletching to guide arrows and make them fly more than accurately. Literally, the feather guides the arrow, and symbolically, a bird might act as a spiritual guide.

Pen-Arrow: Another pair of symbols that get well together, and can cut as deeply. This symbol combines physical and verbal threats—the pen'due south marks on the page are mental, while the arrow'southward are physical.

Unmarried Arrow: All it takes is one well-aimed arrow, later all. The solitary pointer might represent self-defense or protection from impairment, independence, power, purpose, direction, or aim. It might also be a phallic symbol.

Two Easily Pierced by the Same Arrow: Claret brothers (or sisters), comrades-in-arms, two people who take faced the same battles or threats; they are bound by a violent past or share the aforementioned wounds.

Arrows and feathers, like pens and swords, are symbols that go well together.

Arrows and feathers, like pens and swords, are symbols that get well together.

If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little in a higher place information technology: Every arrow that flies feels the pull of the earth.

— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The arrow icon, as familiar as its ancestor the weapon, has evolved meaning.

The pointer icon, as familiar as its antecedent the weapon, has evolved pregnant.

The Arrow Icon

The pointer is probably the most universally-recognized symbol of all. No affair which drome you lot state at, anywhere in the world, you'll notice arrows to guide you to where you need to go.

Graphic symbols apply pictures to represent deportment, objects, or ideas abstractly. Think of how gender is conveyed on a bathroom sign, or how you know which push button to use to reject the brightness of your screen. Think of how many different things a simple arrow can limited on an elevator button, a street sign, or a map.

As discussed, these signs evolved from early weapons. Although they look tamer than their ancestors, graphic arrows have accumulated even more heavily nuanced meanings. In other words, even if the pointer pointed at y'all isn't the kind that can hurt y'all, you lot nonetheless demand to pay attention. With just two lines or a couple pixels, they indicate something important. What is the the arrow icon telling you?

What Does a Graphic Arrow Mean?

  • Information technology helps y'all observe your manner. It's like a manicule or pointed finger telling yous where to go. Compasses and maps accept arrows to help you find north. 2 lines (< or >) can tell y'all to go left, correct, upwards, or downwardly. The back button takes you ane step back.
  • It tells you how to go. An arrow tin can tell you to merge, loop, go upstairs, turn clockwise. In other words, it gives physical clues for how to accomplish goals.
  • It's an invitation to play. The play button, an pointer without a tail ▶️ tells your device to beginning or proceed playing a game, song, or movie.
  • It allows you to control and navigate virtual space. Gamers know what those arrows hateful.
  • It indicates who's speaking or to whom we should listen. A oral communication chimera's tail is like an arrow indicating who'southward speaking.
  • Other things an arrow says: Get to the signal. Go straight there. Pay attending to this. Here's the spot. Here'south the next pace.
  • Ideas conveyed past arrows: Management. Motive. Movement. Play. Control. Purpose. Stop. Go. Intent. Penetration. Precision. Flow. Direction through time.

A tattoo of a graphic arrow might too convey all of these things.

In user experience pattern, the arrow can play multiple roles, depending on the circumstances, and information technology has a variety of meanings. It can focus our attention on a specific point, demonstrate action, signal flow, and connect objects and information.

— Jonathan Follett, Cute Data

Which Direction Is the Arrow Pointing?

For the tattoo'due south design, it matters very much where the pointer is pointing. Here is what various orientations might mean.

Downward: In Native Indian civilisation, an arrow pointing at the basis represents peace. It draws the eyes down to the ground, indicating that there'due south something important beneath. This might signify being grounded or point to something buried. A tattoo of an pointer pointing down one's arm toward the hand might indicate a menstruum of energy out into the world (like an arrow existence shot by the arm).

Upward: If information technology'due south pointing to the sky, it might exist a reminder to look upwardly and consider the bigger picture, an omniscient perspective, or a bird'due south eye view. Y'all might shoot an arrow into the sky to ship a bulletin or a warning.

Horizontal: This might signify the horizon itself, or distance. There's an implied threat to anyone the arrow points at, so it could too bespeak protection or defense.

Two arrows pointing in opposite directions: This ofttimes represents state of war or conflict, having to face ii directions at once in an alert and vigilant defence force. It might mean that someone is battling someone or something in their lives.

Two-headed arrow: Like a sign placed in an intersection telling you to yield the correct-of-way or end progressing forrard and turn correct or left, this might indicate a crossroads or a conclusion to exist made. The amphisbaena (from the Greek words amphis, pregnant "both ways," and bainein, "to go,") is a mythological serpent with a head at each stop. It might show someone existence torn in ii directions.

Circular: It might indicate time (moving forrad clockwise or counterclockwise), evolution, or returning back from where you came. Ouroborus, a snake swallowing its own tail, as a symbol of wholeness and infinity.

It concerns united states of america to know the purposes nosotros seek in life, for then, like archers aiming at a definite mark, we shall exist more probable to attain what we want.

— Aristotle

Is the Arrow Stuck or Moving?

Another thing to consider with the design is whether or not the arrow is stuck or moving: is information technology waiting to be used, is it flight through the air, or has information technology already hit its mark? A skillful artist tin devise clever ways to indicate movement in ink by cartoon sequential shadows, lines of activeness, move mistiness, speed lines, dots, and (of course) arrows!

A good tattoo artist can indicate the arrow's movement with ink. (by tattooist_doy)

A good tattoo creative person can indicate the arrow'south motion with ink. (by tattooist_doy)

The Arrow in Lakota Tradition

According to writer and craftsman Joseph Marshall, author of The Lakota Way of Strength and Courage: Lessons in Resilience from the Bow and Arrow, in his family'south tradition, the story went like this:

"The moon gave us the bow and nosotros had to expect until that bike of the month when that new moon was just a sliver in the sky and then she said, in that location'due south the bow. And, because the moon is a woman, she gave usa the bow and, if you lot exercise look at that thinnest sliver of a new moon, yous'll see that information technology's thinnest on the ends [...]. And that is the configuration of the Lakota bow and, interestingly enough, that pattern, that configuration—that can withstand the cartoon of that piece of wood time and time again. It'due south a unique engineering marvel, if you will. And and so it was my granddad who said that the arrows came from the sun and he pointed out through a grove of copse late in the 24-hour interval and you can see the sunday'south rays were very, very directly. And he said, those are the arrows and your arrows take to exist as straight as the arrows of the lord's day. So, the sun being a male person, the arrows are male and, of form, the moon beingness a woman, the bow is female, so in that sense, they fulfill that balance that we meet in life."

Symbols and Designs That Go Well With Arrows

Bow or String













Monster or Animate being to exist Slain

Graphical Elements

Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so also he loves the bow that remains abiding in his hands.

— Nigerian Saying

Miguel Angel Tattoo, UK

Miguel Affections Tattoo, U.k.

© 2017 A Fonté

JR on November 26, 2019:

What does two arrows running parallel and the same direction mean?

Bjlowe99 on May 09, 2018:

i love the 8th 1 or the 4th to last one


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