
What Will Happen To My Tattoo If I Lose Weight

Weight loss is usually a great thing for a person's wellness and lifestyle. It tin can have many benefits, peculiarlyif you were quite overweight, and information technology was causing issues with your health. Fifty-fifty though losing weight is usually a great thing, people who are losing the weight may be concerned near what effect it may have on their tattoos –do tattoos get ugly if you lot lose weight?

Depending on only how much weight you lot lose, your tattoo may modify. If yous lose a very small amount of weight, your tattoo will exist unaffected; however, if you lose a significant amount of weight, that may modify the shape, size, and advent of your tattoo.

Weight loss is a huge adjustment for your torso to go through – no matter how much weight you lose, your torso and skin will always demand to accommodate and tighten to fit your new weight. As astonishing as our bodies are at doing this, sometimes weight is lost too rapidly, and your pare doesn't cope likewise. Let united states look at how weight loss may bear upon your tattoos.

Do Tattoos Get Ugly If You Lose Weight?

Tattoos do not necessarily "become ugly" when you lose weight; however,they may become unrecognizable – this will also depend on how you lot lost the weight, where your tattoo was placed, and the size of your tattoo to begin with.

If you lot havegradually lost weight over a few years, the chances are that your skin had the fourth dimension to shrink dorsum downward with your torso equally is it was getting smaller, and although yous volition almost likely have some loose skin, for the about part,your skin will exist relatively tight and well fitted to your trunk.

If yous take lost a drastic corporeality of weight in a short amount of time, for example, if you had undergone a weight loss surgeryand lost hundreds of pounds in a matter of months, your skin would non have been able to keep up with how fast your trunk was losing weight. Chances are this would you would go out you with big amounts of loose skin.

If you had a tattoo earlier your weight loss, and you lost the weight slowly and gradually,your tattoo will more likely still be in great condition. Where the tattoo sits on your body may have changed, equally your skin may take shifted.

If you lost your weight drastically, your tattoo will no longer look as nice as it did before
After very fast weight loss, a tattoo tin can be unrecognizable

For example,if you had a tattoo on the right side of your torso, just beneath your ribs, as yous lose weight, your skin volition tighten and shift, and your tattoo may end up sitting closer to your stomach and higher on your ribs.

Even though your tattoo shifted,it should still look the same as information technology did earlier.

If you lost your weight drastically and quickly, and most of your skin is now saggy, there is a skillful take a chanceyour tattoo will no longer look as overnice as it did before, specially if it is placed on a section of skin that has sagged, equally the peel is not tight enough for you to be able to properly encounter the design of the tattoo –this may brand your original tattoo unrecognizable.

Will Losing Weight Forbid Me From Getting Tattoos In The Future?

If you have a lot of loose skin left over from a drastic weight loss,this may affect if you can become a tattoo in the future.

Many tattoo artists are very weary of tattooing lose and saggy skin, every bit information technology would need to be stretched tightly in order to be tattooed, and and then after it has been tattooed,y'all may non be able to clearly tell what the tattoo is unless the skin is stretched out once more.

This is merely one out of many examples equally to why it is less than ideal to tattoo any loose skin – another reason beingness thatwhen the skin that a tattoo artist is working on is non tight, things like blowouts can happen over and over over again, with no error of the artist.

Because of these reasons and more, many tattoo artists are not comfy tattooing skin that hasbeen stretched out and then not had time to shrink down again, leaving it loose and saggy.

You volition nigh likely non be refused every bit a client if you take loose peel; no affair how catchy information technology may be for the tattoo artist, they volition commonly practise everything in their power to try and give you the tattoo of your dreams.

When you want lose your weight and keep your attoos in good condition, do it slowly
If you lose weight gradually, there is no reason to be worried

They may, yet, attempt and find a part of your body with the to the lowest degree amount of loose peel to do the tattoo on –like your back or your calf, for example, to endeavor to become as much particular in the tattoo equally they possibly can without the loose skin becoming a problem.

What Practice Tattoos Await Similar When You Lose Weight?

Tattoos that you had done before y'all lost weight volition usually change their advent in some wayby the fourth dimension you are at the finish of your weight loss journey – but what they look similar will depend once again on how much weight you take lost.

People who have lost a nifty amount of weight only slowly over time, and their skin managed to shirk down with their bodies,might find that their tattoos wait larger later on they have lost weight. You could recollect of this beingness like a canvas; the same size cartoon is going to expect far smaller on a large canvas than it would on a pocket-size sheet.

And then, whereas earlier it might have seemed that your thigh tattoo did not accept up that much space on your leg when your leg is half the size it used to be,it will, of course, expect a lot larger and seem to take up a much bigger infinite of your leg, fifty-fifty though it is the same size tattoo.

If your skin has become very loose in the area that your tattoo was done, there is a take chances your tattoo mayjust look like a blob of color/black until you stretch it out.

If your peel has become saggy andnow folds over the tattoo, y'all may non even be able to see your tattoo at all.

Or, your tattoo may not modify its advent at all.Each person's torso and skin are completely unique, and there is a chance that fifty-fifty with fast, drastic weight loss, you lot may still be able to run across what your tattoo is exactly. Pare is a truly amazing matter and tin can sometimes be unpredictable.

Practise tattoo artists care if you're fat?

Any professional tattoo artistvolition non care well-nigh your weight in whatever manner. They may ask you lot a few questions about your weight but so they know the best place that they could place a tattoo for you,but they will in no way not want y'all as a customer only because of your weight.

A professional artist will not judge you on your weight, but can give you some tattoo advice
Any professional artist will not care about your weight (it's your matter), but he can give you lot some tattoo communication because of your weight to make you lot your dreamed tattoo (it'southward his thing)

 The simply thing a tattoo artist is e'er concerned about is the quality of their work, and if they heighten any concerns with y'all most your weight,it will only e'er be for this reason – not considering of whatever personal views or feelings.

Your weight is your own business organisation, just your tattoo is their concern, so if your creative person e'er makes suggestionsas to how they want to alter your tattoo because of your weight, practise non take information technology personally, as they are trying to give you lot the best tattoo they tin can.

Some of my favorite designs, tattoo books, and aftercare products, selected for yous

working on tattoo at my studio
Working at the studio on one of my projects

Thank you for reading my commodity, I hope that you take establish it helpful. If yous would have trouble finding ideas for your tattoo, wonder what is significant of design that you take institute or what to buy for aftercare, to make sure that your tattoo will be healing quickly and hands, here are some of my favorite products in one place, hope that this will also help.

Design and tattoo ideas

For some ideas you can accept a look at those 3 books with hundreds of designs that I apply with my clients, they are bachelor on Amazon for Kindle or in archetype, paper version (links below):

  • Neat Book of Tattoo Designs, Revised Edition: More 500 Torso Art Designs (Play tricks Chapel Publishing) Fantasy, Celtic, Floral, Wild fauna, and Symbol Designs for the Skin by Lora Irish
  • The Big Volume of Small-scale Tattoos – 400 modest original tattoos for women and men by Roberto Gemori
  • Tiny Tattoos: Over 1,000 Small Inspirational Artworks by Rebecca Vincent.

Tattoo meaning

If you would like to read more than about the pregnant of different tattoo styles and designs before you will decide what you would like to have, I tin recommend a book that was really useful for me when I was starting my tattoo adventure – it's "Witting Ink: The Hidden Meaning of Tattoos" by Lisa Barretta (through the link you can find it on Amazon for around $10).

Tattoo aftercare

The skin at the tattoo site often dries out. To prevent information technology and speed up healing for my clients, I commonly recommend one of those tattoo aftercare balms (you can detect them on Amazon):

  • INKorporated Tattoo Lotion
  • Mad Rabbit Tattoo Lotion & Aftercare Cream.


Even though your skin is incredibly flexible and will change with your body through its highs and lows,your tattoo may not.

Whatsoever change to one'southward skin could lead to undesired effects on an existing tattoo, and since weight loss is often a drastic change to the pare,information technology should be no surprise that your tattoo may change every bit your skin does.

If y'all are now planning to lose weight, but y'all are worried well-nigh how it may affect your tattoos,endeavor aim to lose the weight ho-hum and steady – giving your skin time to change with your body, tightening up forth the way, and thus allowing your tattoos to remain on as tight an area of pare as possible.

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