
Grave Encounters 2 Deutsch Full Movie

Grave Encounters 2 (2012) Poster

2 /x

Stale and Bromidic

As good as "Grave Encounters" was, "Grave Encounters 2" was that bad. Information technology was a complete joke. You know a movie is bad when you're proverb to yourself, "Won't they just bustle upwards and get killed so this nightmare tin be over?" Every attribute of the picture was a miserable failure.

The story. "Grave Encounters" is an bodily movie in the movie! Some film students decide to go to the location of "Grave Encounters" in order to "find out the truth." And the chief grapheme, Alex (Richard Harmon), is being directed by due east-mails from a mysterious person named "Death Awaits".

They used some cool reason to drum up a role two. "Oh, lets go dorsum to the creepy psych ward because it's all true and we have to evidence it." So lame.

The script. Inexpensive. Should've been flushed. The dialog in there was so sophomoric.

The acting. Terrible. Part of the lure of the outset "Grave Encounters" was the believability of it. Each character fabricated sense and each graphic symbol played their role well. In this movie these characters made zero sense and they put on like they were trying to exist clichés.

The directing. I'm going to arraign this on directing because I don't know who else to blame. One time you've realized that y'all are no longer in Kansas Dorothy shouldn't the cameras exist the least of your worries? Do you really need to continue to pic EVERYTHING! And that's one of the serious drawbacks of constitute footage films. At that place comes a point when it doesn't even follow human behavior to keep filming things.

The entire production. It was virtually a re-shoot of the first GE with a few little tweaks that were more than harmful than helpful. In that location was nada new (worth being in the movie), aught fresh, nothing redeemable. It was lazy and pretty much similar the majority of sequels: dried and bromidic.

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four /x

Disappointing sequel doesn't even endeavor.

Grave Encounters wasn't all that original a institute footage horror but, The Vicious Brothers did have some clever fun with the conventions and made an entertaining and chilling tale of a crew of a paranormal investigation evidence coming up against something they tin can't handle at an abandoned insane asylum. Sadly, all that cleverness and natural language in cheek creepy fun is gone for this uninspired sequel. Encounters ii takes The Blair Witch 2 route and makes it a film well-nigh the motion-picture show. Sadly the film also makes some of that sequels same mistakes. This time we have movie fan and amateur filmmaker, Alex Wright getting ambiguous e-mails from a mysterious benefactor known only as Death Awaits. These messages hint that Grave Encounters was not just a moving picture, in fact information technology was quite real and the actors are all really missing. And then, Alex grabs his camera and friends/crew and sets off to investigate. Bad idea. First problem is that this flick keeps the institute footage motif yet, never at whatsoever time does it give usa the vibe that it is actual footage and not just a movie. The film so tediously takes over xl minutes to finally get our characters into the asylum, after a very "Catfish" first act, and once we're there, we are treated to a retread of Grave Encounters part 1 that also blatantly lifts scenes straight from previous constitute footage flicks like Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity. At least the previous flick did and then with some cleverness. Maybe information technology'southward because The Savage Brothers mitt the directing reigns to John Poliquin who gives usa a film that is populated with pretentious and annoying characters and comes across as very fix and phony instead of spooky and scary. But, he directs from their script then they share blame for what is obviously a sequel thrown together to take quick reward of the pocket-size attention the commencement motion-picture show received. And information technology shows. Non but is the motion picture lifeless and scare-less only, completely devoid of the cleverness and sly humour that garnered the get-go film information technology'due south reputation. But, worst notwithstanding, the final deed descends into complete silliness when it introduces a grapheme from the first moving-picture show into the mix and only falls apart. Add to that the moving-picture show is overlong at an hour and forty minutes and takes itself fashion too seriously. The Vicious Brothers knew they were having fun and permit the audience in on it. Director Poliquin is trying to make a straight horror when the convoluted script desperately wants to wink at information technology's audience like the outset moving-picture show did. The recent Paranormal Activity four was defendant by many as a lazy cash grab just, that film was at least still entertaining and gave us likable characters and had a dainty sense of sense of humor to give it some fun. Grave Encounters 2 doesn't fifty-fifty endeavor. Disappointing follow-upwards especially because The Vicious Brothers showed such potential in their first feature.

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four /10

Anticipated Sequel

I came to this motion picture with very mixed feelings . GRAVE ENCOUNTERS wasn't but the best lost footage horror motion-picture show I'd probably e'er seen but too the best full length horror motion picture I'd seen over the last few years and acquired me to jump out of my seat several times . Any anticipation I had in looking forward to the sequel was tamed in the knowledge that the original directors The Savage Brothers had been replaced by John Poliquin and on top of that lost footage movie isn't a sub-genre that has much scope so decided to spotter it with expectations rather low

Just as well because even in sequel terms CLOSE ENCOUNTERS 2 is a massive let down . What I found foreign is the meta-fictional quality the mode the moving-picture show starts in which the original motion-picture show is now a DVD movie unleashed upon the public . In other words it has now become a film within a film which isn't really what the original film was about . Is information technology postal service modernist in this arroyo ? Maybe but for a few seconds I honestly thought I wasn't watching GRAVE ENCOUNTERS 2 but rather a montage of youtube reviews of the original film which is bizarre to say the least . No doubt this was the makers intention simply I don't really think this worked

The post modernism - or should that be post post modernism - continues well in to the outset half of the film as we're introduced to a agglomeration of a pic students who want to go and film at the location of the kickoff flick and before nosotros get in that location we have to endure lots of footage of the students own endeavour to brand horror movies . Once again it doesn't come of very well and isn't virtually as clever equally it thinks it is equally characters knowlingly refer to other lost footage movies . Information technology lacks the wit Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson could accept brought to it and it tries a little too hard to to announced spontaneous and apprentice , though that said it'south a difficult thing to get right and so I shouldn't judge likewise harshly . When we do get to the second half it'due south just more of the same with nighttime vision , people splitting up , loud noises and jump scares . I don't know if it was because I saw GRAVE ENCOUNTERS recently but the scares and unearthly horrors seen hither weren't as effective as they were in the original probably down me knowing what was coming side by side . It also probably illustrates that once you lot've seen i of these movies you lot've seen them all . In that case perhaps I should be charitable and say this sequel isn't so much bad , just very predictable while the original is something of a standout

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4 /10

Kickoff Moving picture Was Nice Surprise, This Is Not

The first Grave Encounters was a decent enough found footage horror movie that had just enough humor and jump scenes to make it a somewhat likable scout. This sequel follows a young filmmaker who is convinced the events depicted in the first Grave Encounters are existent. He sets out with his crew in tow to brand a documentary detailing his findings.

The problem with Grave Encounters 2 is it has lost any absurd or fun gene from the original. This is a pretty much a bland rehashing with new, boring characters in the same, now tiresome setting of a airtight downwards hospital.

The starting time Grave Encounters was a reminder that you lot can sometimes detect something to like in a low budget, no name of a picture streaming on Netflix. Grave Encounters 2 is a reminder that most the low budget, no proper name movies streaming on Netflix suck.

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3 /10

Grave Disappointment

I thoroughly enjoyed the first Grave Encounters. I think it's ane of the best of the found footage movies I've ever seen. Granted, none of the actors were in danger of an Oscar nomination, but the characters were believable and got you involved in the story, the clichés were kept to a minimum, and most importantly, the atmosphere and the scares worked, and they held upward to repeated viewings. Grave Encounters two should be renamed Grave Disappointment, imho. I spent the first twenty minutes having to double-cheque to make sure I had the right movie, and once the story actually got started, it seemed to me the movie couldn't make up its mind as to what it was trying to be. Parts of it felt similar a spoof of the original, and parts felt like a shot-for-shot remake. There were blatant rip-offs of REC and Evil Dead two, among others. The atomic number 82 couldn't seem to brand upwards his mind whether he was channeling Lance Preston'due south grapheme from the first motion-picture show, or the kid from Terminator two. The other characters were wooden or clichés, with a scream queen who fabricated you want to scream every time she was in a scene. The one original element to the story line was another rip-off, this time of 1408. And the ending was admittedly pathetic, and unfortunately, strongly hinted at yet some other travesty of a sequel.

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v /ten

Okay I guess?

I retrieve the fact it's a sequel really hurt the movie, merely then again the picture wouldn't be without the first i. Beginning off you must know going into this I knew what to expect, a "found footage" horror motion picture sequel. Though I relish both types of motion-picture show those two combined just doesn't sound too great (except REC1 and REC2.. REC3 was an abomination). I got what I expected and was alright with information technology.

The Bad: Normally movies in this category if not e'er have acting rated a C (normal) which is fine. I'll give the acting hither a C-, it wasn't on par but not bad enough to brand the movie feel dreadful The plot really struggled to connect with the first movie, and the movie'due south own plot was good but poorly executed. The characters were not likable and showed no growth but I call up I could say that for every 'institute footage' picture show. Some of the scares were the same from the kickoff movie which took abroad from the surprise factor. I could foresee a lot of what was going to happen just based of the first movie but I guess when you're basically recreating the aforementioned movie that happens. The characters make stupid choices which e'er bothers me though

The Good: It wasn't terrible? Some of the scares were creepy nothing to dramatic. In the end I got what I expected, an alright establish footage flick and a probably 'worse than the beginning' sequel.

Determination: If y'all're bored yeah I'd suggest it.

Who should picket it: Grave Encounters Fan? Certain. Establish footage fans? Sure. Horror fans? Peradventure. None of the above? No.

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3 /x


I really loved the starting time i. Seeing the Brothers existence involved in this as well, I thought I had a winner. And while they just had writing duties on this, it was the script and the comic/comedy nature mixed with the horror elements that I liked in the first 1. There are then many "Found Footage" movie out there and this was one of the USP (unique selling points) of the movie.

The sequel that adds to the story (I'm assuming you lot take seen the outset one, which is exactly what this moving picture does too) and continues where the other 1 left off. But not inside the clinic. It starts off with faux newspapers and everything else to tell united states (the viewer) that everything that happened was real. Information technology might have sounded funny and good in theory (I incertitude it, but let'due south just say for arguments sake it did) ... but executed it falls short on almost every level.

At that place's nearly no joke that works (from the "director" of horror movies who's just trying to intermission out with something original, to the "bad acting" in movies to many other things). There are a few redeeming factors in between, simply also little to salve this (special furnishings beingness one of them).

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2 /10

Very weak

A motion picture educatee and his friends visit the infirmary depicted in the original Grave Encounters motion picture. Evil awaits them.

A pretty standard horror movie, which is not a skillful thing. Unoriginal and derivative. Nada new here at all.


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three /10

Grave Mistake

Well this is when making a sequel to a decent picture goes incorrect. The idea was there. How they go about searching for the truth behind "The Grave Encounters" was at that place. How the residual was executed was a "grave" disaster. It starts off in its own, but however in a "been there done that" way, and then turns into the first movie, just to go downhill quick. Earlier too long your wondering why am I however watching this every bit information technology is not believable or fifty-fifty fathomable in an imaginary type way. I understand they had to exercise something unlike to stop the motion-picture show than the get-go, simply they should take gone back to the drawing boards once they screened this movie and seen how ridiculous it looked and sounded. The reasoning for the three of 10 rating is, information technology starts out good, and has decent special furnishings for a low upkeep movie. 3 of x-WAIT FOR Tv

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4 /x

Gravely Disappointing

Grave Encounters 2 is about a group of v pic students who determine to follow up on the events of the first picture, mainly due to one of the group member's persistence in finding out if the events of Grave Encounters were real or not. To their horror, not long after inbound Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital, they soon find out that the events that happened there before were very real.

This installment is actually cypher like the first one in beingness that information technology is supposed to be filmed like a documentary and have you actually believe that these are existent people documenting real events. The offset one did this successfully, but this one had the contrary effect and is a bit like three separate movies put together. The offset 35 minutes is like some kind of crap frat party moving picture with the students getting high and getting drunk. The next thirty minutes, when they get to the asylum and set upward their camera gear, there is not much build upward to events...information technology but starts taking off, but there are a few good scares here though. The last third of the movie is where it just goes so ridiculously over-the-height it feels as if you're really watching a Hollywood horror picture show instead of a "documentary". Whatever credibility information technology had of being a "documentary" before this is completely tossed out.

Grave Encounters 2 just JUST scraped a "decent" rating for me purely because of the scares that are in the middle of the movie when the students are moving through the asylum to wait for paranormal activity. If it wasn't for those moments then the movie would have completely bombed.

Overall it was OK, only it is nowhere near every bit expert as the first 1. Very disappointing.

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4 /10

A Grave Fault

This sequel takes everything that was decent about the first 1 and craps all over it.

Literally, information technology spends an hour and a one-half sucking itself off with the whole "The beginning movie was real!" nonsense. Plus, this fourth dimension around, we've got weed-smoking higher kids who express mirth loud and scream even louder. The effects are better, but when all they do is evidence giant moronic zombies chasing after the photographic camera with that clichéd distorted motility thing that made Kayako from The Grudge then creepy (but of course, it doesn't really work here), who cares? Information technology's got the whole half-assed package of leap scares (complete with sudden loud noises edited into the footage) and none of the cleverness of the original (yes, the original at least had SOME clever ideas and stuff, but not that much). The movie is a chore to sit through, and you'll probably discover yourself constantly checking the runtime to see how much longer you take to expect for the credits.

Requite information technology a pass, or just lookout man the showtime ane once more. Or not. I approximate it all depends on how productive you lot'd like to be during a tranquillity afternoon.

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6 /10

Superior sequel

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed GRAVE ENCOUNTERS 2, mainly because I thought the get-go one wasn't all that great and how often are sequels superior? However, this turns out to exist just that, a funny, realistic and above all entertaining piddling found footage movie that tackles its genre with gusto and aplomb.

The first half of the picture is all set up as the writers work actually, actually hard to convince u.s. that this is all real. There's more self-referencing hither than in SCREAM and I think the guys portray the Youtube generation pretty well; certainly I was entertained by it. Sure, the characters are lousy and one-dimensional, only watch it through half-closed eyes and you lot can almost believe it. It'southward like the CATFISH of found footage films in a way.

In one case things return to that one-time abandoned hospital, information technology once again becomes more predictable, with bandage members offed by CGI ghosties. However, the scare scenes are constructive if over the height, and I really liked that whole sequence with the creature coming in through the window. Yeah, the ending is pretty bad, what with the whole riff on EVIL Expressionless two and everything, merely upwards to that signal I was engrossed and above all enjoying myself. It'due south everything you need from a expert B-movie, really.

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vi /ten

Non the worst horror motion picture out there

I haven't seen the beginning film, so I had no idea information technology was a found footage film. The first affair y'all need to even get-go liking such a moving-picture show is to accept a liking for the found footage genre. If yous don't, you won't enjoy it, no matter how good the movie is. Having seen all 4 Paranormal Activity films and one or ii other found footage films, I was prepared for what was coming, so I didn't expect a skillful acting to brainstorm with. I knew it was going to be shabby and sound amateurish, considering a constitute footage film is supposed to be like that. Professional performances would be a drawback for this genre, as information technology is intended to exist make-belief. That beingness said, you can't actually complain nearly "bad interim" in this motion picture. After all, it is a plus.

The most annoying thing nigh this moving-picture show however is that information technology takes as well long for the good part to start, simply when information technology does you're in for a half-scary half-laughable ride. The movie was a success at conveying the sinister nature of the ghosts beautifully. The shaky photographic camera was a footling over the top for my taste. Information technology really gave me a headache. They didn't have to pull the wall-cameras off to capture everything on their shoulders. That would have been the solution for besides many unnecessary shaky shots.

I liked the function the cop played in the movie. I liked the sudden deaths. Some of them were too violent for a ghost story, merely I'd rather see it equally an endeavour at being scarier. The last 20 minutes was a drag. They should have cut the inessential scenes. For a establish footage picture show, I think it was higher up average. Information technology had its moments, its thrills, and its flaws, similar any other horror moving picture. Go along your expectations depression, because making a satisfying horror movie is a real challenge these days. I haven't seen any good horror movies in 2012 or in 2011 for that matter. The horror movie manufacture is dying and that'south a bitter truth nosotros horror movie fans have to face.

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1 /10


Wow. Where to brainstorm... I actually enjoyed the 1st picture a lot but this was merely awful. I was instantly bellyaching west/ the two master characters. Not but was their interim terrible but everything else about them was horrible also. Trevors vocalism well-nigh made me turn it off right abroad. He sounds similar a tool version of the handicapped kid from Breaking Bad. There are no scares whatsoever and when they exercise try for scares information technology'due south just the same stuff as part 1. It too takes nearly 40min for anything to get going in the picture show. Such a let down. Information technology is perfect for the viewers around the age of 12. I've never written virtually a movie on hither before but this i totally needed to be written to help forbid anyone from viewing this garbage. Delight do not make this a trilogy.

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i /10

Why Can't We Requite "Zero" Stars to Garbage Similar This?

The movie theater student Alex Wright (Richard Harmon) researches the movie "Grave Come across" In Internet and receives an anonymous electronic mail to the coordinates of the Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital depicted by the team of paranormal investigators in the first picture show. Alex head to the place with his friends and soon they observe evil.

The great achievement of "Grave Encounters 2" is to be capable of being worse and worse than the original "Grave Encounters", what seemed to be impossible. The style of "The Blair Witch Project" seems to be the cheapest way to make a horror picture and barely works. "Grave Encounters 2" is among the worst movies in the style "reality testify" and I practice not understand why we can't requite "zero" stars in IMDb to garbage similar this. My vote is ane (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Fenomenos Paranormais 2" ("Paranormal Phenomena two")

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3 /ten

Very little hither makes itself unique from the last entry

Some item acts are just hard to follow - even if the original wasn't the best to begin with. Grave Encounters (2011) was an independent horror film that gained traction afterwards having an interesting premise which was having a setting in an abandoned asylum. It did have a number of issues like hardly likable characters and continuity errors only on an amusement level, it did accept quite a bit of smaller thrills. For i, its production design looked corking and the mythology backside the asylum had a creepy gene that fabricated information technology hard to resist. Surprisingly, information technology warranted this sequel which has a couple of areas that felt like it could've went somewhere. However, the entirety of the story is much less believable.

1 key aspect that this sequel does maintain is continuity with the original. Thankfully, the script doesn't rehash everything but information technology's not enough either. Now, viewers are introduced to a unlike group of filmmakers. What'due south the age range of these filmmakers - cliché #1, teenagers. Naive, unlikable and annoying teenagers. The "leader", if y'all want to call him that, Alex Wright (Richard Harmon) is a vlogger who reviewed the original Grave Encounters (2011) film and began doing inquiry on information technology. Soon he learns that the actual footage might be existent and decides that he should become to the same aviary to confirm his hunch. This particular plot line is certainly no longer original, but what makes information technology even less constructive is the build up to that item plot betoken.

The first third of the pic spends its time getting its audience familiar with the characters before fifty-fifty getting to the asylum. And by familiar, I mean understanding that none of these individuals are likable, have any type of development and human action in some of the almost despicable ways. The rest of the bandage that joins Alex Wright are past no means more interesting than one another. There's one character named Trevor Thompson (Dylan Playfair) who is by far the well-nigh obnoxious and dimwitted of the grouping. Correct from the beginning, Trevor is portrayed equally nothing else but a dummy. That's a great mode to introduce our principal cast. Richard Harmon equally Alex Wright is zip close to likable. He's merely a geeky wannabe movie director who goes looking for trouble. Does he do anything for anyone else in the running fourth dimension? Nope. Yep, our protagonist everyone.

The but plus in that location is for casting is having Lance Preston (Sean Rogerson) return. Even though from the first film he didn't give much charm, his grapheme has far more than the balance in this flick. However, the real missed opportunity to this sequel was having the teenagers be fifty-fifty more prepared for the asylum. There were actual parts that showed the teenagers devising a couple tricks to make certain they knew how to get out if necessary, but it wasn't for long. One time set up, the play out isn't any unlike from the original, if not worse. Yous think if these kids really wanted to exist prepared, they would've done nothing that was done in the original film. Plus, they have no excuse because in this particular universe, the principal characters also saw the movie. This means they saw 100% of what the real audience (us) saw.

Horror wise, there's nothing to be creeped out about at present. The mythology behind the aviary is dropped which is a big reason to why this claim is made. To begin with, the asylum was already explained in the original so there's zip the audience hasn't seen. Next is the lack of tension, for this entry, the new managing director wastes no time diving into its blatant leap scares and recycled ghouls. In that location'south only 1 scene where something new is done and that'southward some specter having an calendar. This is simply revealed much afterward on. The violence is probably on the same level as the last but it'south not constructive enough to create any scares. However, like the original there are a few twists. Unfortunately the twists aren't as effective either because of their lack of concrete knowledge. Music was again absent-minded 99% of the time due to its genre simply again, with this kind of story, it doesn't assist.

There are some points in the running fourth dimension that are done differently from that of the original but that's non saying a whole lot. The characters are even less likable than the last batch and the tension barely exists. It could've gone somewhere simply its poorly written script did not permit that.

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2 /10

And so who got out the showtime fourth dimension to make the first ane?

Warning: Spoilers

The 2d movie makes a mess out of the showtime i. In the beginning ane it was normal until some strange things happened. Fair enough. That was the movie, it was fine. Note nobody got out of the place from the get-go cast. And so how did the outset motion picture even go made if as in the second one someone had to become out in guild to show the footage? So the second movie takes a huge dump on the kickoff right? It kind of bugged me how they set it up similar Blair Witch 2 whereby people want to investigate the scene of the kickoff one. This was just lazy...and the movie sucked from that signal on.

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3 /10

Relies on clichéd jump scares, sex jokes, swearing and a consistently screaming, loud, dumb blonde.

Well. Permit me start off by saying that 'Grave Encounters' is and will probably e'er exist my favourite found-footage horror movie for the following three reasons. ane.) It wasn't overly jumpy. 2.) Information technology wasn't an original plot simply it turned into a bloody brilliant one. And 3.) Information technology was scary. Grave Encounters made me want to stop watching because it scared me so much.

Grave Encounters 2 however is a far dissimilar story. I wanted to stop watching because it was so ho-hum and rubbish. It started off okay. They were in college, they want to know if it is real, they make some crappy film apathetic apathetic. This was okay and kept me watching. When they first enter the aviary the original crew went into I was hoping for the temper the outset 1 created. Whilst watching the beginning one I felt the air become cold as they entered the asylum. In this one I felt cipher. I just thought 'Oh look. It hasn't got meliorate security even though a film was made from it'. The start scene in the asylum was okay. I guess. Merely then information technology just turned to crap.

For some reason they brought their friend; an annoying, loud blonde girl with them. She gave them away about 50 times by breathing like Sandra Bullock in Gravity. Seriously. I would have just threw her into a wall of knives. She even so wouldn't have been quite, fifty-fifty in death.

Then instead of the kickoff one, 98% of the scare factor of the flick came from unecassary, clichéd, over the tiptop and consistently used jump scares. This ruined the movie. Information technology could just never create whatever class of atmosphere equally 0.2 seconds of information technology building upwardly something would popular up or some rubbish like that. The other 2% was from a certain scene, tin non say what, involving nurses. That was the best scene of the movie. And the only good scene also.

And finally the profanity, sexual content and crude humor. This is when everybody knew that they didn't want to make a sequel. They wanted to make coin from teens ownership tickets to see the pic and ownership the DVD. There is 1 scene where a guy is seen jerking off over a porn video, which nosotros see and then a dude walks in on him and says 'in that location is wet pussy out there for you lot'. What the hell?! Then in the aviary loads of crude jokes are fabricated and they say the f word countless times. It is over profanic. It is really sickening. I am a teen myself and even I didn't want to hear that much swearing for such unecassary reasons. And I enjoyed Wolf Of Wall Street. It was only terrible.

To sum up: DON'T Get IT. IT IS HORRIBLE, BORING, OVERLY JUMPY AND FULL OF Unnecessary SEXUAL JOKES/CONTENT. The best scene is the cease credits.

The iv stars come considering 1.) You can't rate 0 and two.) 2 for the commencement and ane for the nurse scene.

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2 /x

Worst and then the first!

Alert: Spoilers

Non a fan of start flick, there were a lot horror fans who really enjoyed it, I had to it meet twice, I must of missed something on my commencement watch notwithstanding I felt the same on second watch, but still going to say the starting time movie id so much better then this silly sequel.

It's start of with people number of people review the first motion picture, then kind have jabs at found footage movies almost the start of the picture show. so information technology Kinda of drags for next 45 minutes.

For the kickoff half hr we follow the teens who are making at that place own really bad slasher movie in this moving picture. and then finally get building 35 mins mark of the movie

While teens are talking most the first, we see them showing on at that place phones and internet nigh first movie, hither and there in this movie.

Later on 45 mark the things start going bump, hither and there, for adjacent xv minutes, with a lot screaming and running around.

I did jump with the first scare scene in the movie, then subsequently scary scenes, I just found really funny, the beast y'all can see in poster, I did not find information technology scary at all in this moving picture.

Then Lance makes long hair come back near the concluding half hr in the motion picture, still eating rats by the way, then the final hour was really about him, how crazy he has go being trapped in the building and some connexion to the other side.

Won't ruin ending, cause, Well tell you Truth that I didn't really go information technology.

ii out of ten , I gave start 4 out of 10

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ii /x

Outset the best, second the worst.

Warning: Spoilers

I simply watched GE2 and I'g left feeling cheated out of a scare.

I'grand non a fan of the horror genre, but I suitably enjoyed the starting time for I found the acting and suspense surprisingly original.

The story for me lacks direction, and although at that place are hints of a plot with twists that lay up alee, it fails to come to fruition. Any of the jumpy scenes could easily have been chucked in from the commencement.

For example, the crazy security officeholder (or so at first he appears) could have transpired to be a expert plot avenue, but instead he is killed of in a vulgar scene defective suspense or reason. The incarcerated patient they stumble upon seems full of a plot fulfilling back story only to fall into the predictably cheesy horror picture show scenario seen countless times before.

To tiptop it all off, information technology takes around an hour to feel any connectedness with Richard, the master character (every bit a consequence of the writing non acting), simply to feel cheated past the catastrophe.

If like me you couldn't brand up your heed whether the first was genius or trash, steer clear.

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1 /10

Trashes the first 1 completely

The start grave encounters was a great horror film, keen atmosphere keeps you shaking to meet what happens next. This one fabricated me call up that it's a joke. The movie should be left without a sequel, cause this movie just doesn't fit in with the first one at all. The plot holes, the constant screaming, terrible acting, stupid character decisions and very cheap special furnishings, only don't permit yous savor the movie. Over all the idea may be good, just this is but... If y'all like horror movies give this a pass and become waste time with ameliorate movies. Get out this one behind and go watch the first i if you desire a horrifying experience, but don't waste your time.

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4 /10

Sometimes silly and effectively creepy. Grave Encounters 2 is simply a mixed purse, great poster though.

Summary: Sometimes silly and effectively creepy. Grave Encounters 2 is merely a mixed pocketbook, keen affiche though. 44/100 (C-)

Grave Encounters, film student Alex Wright is out to prove them wrong. Alex is every bit obsessed with the first film as the twenty million people who viewed its viral trailer on YouTube. While he and his friends research the events and visit the real psychiatric hospital depicted in the original film, they find themselves face-to-face with unspeakable evil, banking on the hope that their noesis of the original film volition help them survive the sequel. Grave Encounters 2 doesn't quite live upwardly my expectations and was non every bit scary as the first one, but it was a very entertaining sequel. Information technology was scary, but sometimes silly. I saw it in theaters, considering I like supporting indie-horror films like this ane. I actually enjoyed some moments of this movie, only equally a whole is just a mess.

Most of the scares were predictably bad. Just a few scares throughout the film were effective and well done. A good example was that scene involving a Ouija board, it was the best scene in the film; I found it scary, suspenseful and effective. At times, a lot of moments with scary potential were ruined by the terrible direction, and the bad acting. Most of the scares as I said were very anticipated, fifty-fifty though the suspense was quite effective and creepy. Poliquin does not take risk and goes for the easy mode... jump-scares. Besides, in that location were too many ghosts with big mouths into the flick and they were so repetitive and abrasive. The acting was uneven, the pretty young extra Leanne Lapp (Jennifer) was the just one who gave a believable performance and she's the only one who caught my attention.

The rest of the performers were awful and annoying. Some of the special effects were horrible and the CGI ruined some scary moments. The direction was hit and miss. The scares accept a good build-up suspense, simply the climax of these was not constructive. In the positive side the gory scenes were enjoyable and there were a few surprising moments. In that location was a highly effective twist in the 2nd half of the picture and I constitute it very original. In the negative side, the script was sometimes laughable and the acting was mostly bad. Grave Encounters 2 is a mixed bag, not as good as the showtime one. Some horror fans volition beloved it, it has some thrilling and seriously messed up moments. I wish practiced luck to The Vicious Brothers they have potential writing stories, simply they have to make them less messy. (C-)

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7 /10

much better than part 1

Have seen Grave Encounters (2011) i institute it rather good due the perfect acting still the end I found a flake piece of cake. So I wasn't fund to see part two but from the first infinitesimal I liked what I saw.

You lot encounter people reviewing Grave Encounters on youtube and information technology looks believable. Likewise reviewing is Alex obsessed with the films which he hold in his easily. So it's a chip like The Human Centipede Ii (2012) were y'all also actually encounter the DVD in the motion-picture show itself. Alex is also making a horror flick and he wants to go back to the former schoolhouse horrors, no CGI but the existent stuff. Merely suddenly he receives a message from an bearding one who drags Alex further into Grave Encounters, fully interested he go with his coiffure to the hospital from office ane to find out if it's real or not. Earlier entering the hospital you are already 37 minutes in the flick merely I didn't heed because you will see Alex searching for the crew from back and so. Once he institute the producer he goes totally wild and wants to search the truth.

After 37 minutes it's back to Grave Encounters but much better then part 1. Information technology's more scarier and the ghost looked better too. I did had a problem when they observe something I won't spoil but towards the stop information technology picks up beautifully to a bloody end.

Part 2 has a lot of sarcasm due the coiffure laughing with the bad things from part 1. Notwithstanding, information technology isn't a parody, it practice evangelize a few good moments and the effects every bit I said are much better, simply encounter the scene with the window. A perfect competing against the success of the Paranormal Activity franchise.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/v Effects 3/five Story iii/5 One-act 0/five

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4 /x

They say sequels are never every bit good!

Warning: Spoilers

Estimate what? They're right. The original movie started out with a smashing premise. Television Paranormal Investigative team that actually doesn't believe in the paranormal go into a haunted insane asylum ready to do whatever it takes to become their Television set series off the ground. Alas for them, they find out that at that place really is something to all those stories. GRAVE ENCOUNTER was a good movie, I highly recommend information technology, this one all the same needed a petty more editing of the script and development of the main graphic symbol considering the premise fell flat when information technology finally got underway.

****Here there exist BIG spoilers***** We never really got a sense of WHY the main graphic symbol and cast decided they needed to become INTO the building.

ane. If the Main character really DID believe that the first picture show was totally existent there is NO Manner he would get into that building unless he was bereft of a functioning encephalon. (Permit's remember, he is a budding HORROR flick mogul then he SHOULD know about all the horror picture TWISTS)

2. There actually WAS NOT a believable reason for the kids to Desire to go into that place AND stay IN that place. They waffled with "Need to show that the first movie was Real." "Need to gather testify that the Executive Producer covered up the real thing." AND "Doing a Paranormal Investigation." Oh, and let's non forget, "It was ONLY a motion picture and nosotros're going to prove it." Bottom line, iv reasons instead of PICKING 1 and developing information technology to make the whole thing believable.

The other problem with this item sequel is that it tossed in a whole bunch of twists but simply allow them dice in the wind. Information technology was almost as if they were HUNTING for some kind of manner to tie the whole movie together for the ending just only couldn't come up with annihilation credible.

Finally, I'm not sure if the acting or the script was to blame for a poor functioning but the cast of this movie was definitely not in the same calibre of the first movie.

All in all, enjoy the kickoff movie because it truly is very good, but this one, have fun with the atypical sequel where they throw in More than of the SCARY stuff just to show that they can GO Ane Improve but inevitably fail miserably because they lose the sense of a story. Don't say you weren't warned.

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one /10

really, really bad

Warning: Spoilers

This is one of the worst movies I have e'er seen. Information technology contains sickening POV skull bashing, for no reason. the storyline is total rubbish, the interim is shocking, and it is derivative.

I loved the get-go picture- it was terrifying. the characters were funny, and had back stories, and the flick was unpredictable, a real trip down the rabbit hole. this ane was total rubbish... starts off trying to be all clever past referencing the first film, so turns into a totally rubbish nearly carbon copy, no plot or character development, and stupidly it turns the 'hero' of the original picture show into a murderer. the scrap with the sucking wall hell-hole was totally laughable, a copy of a scene from poltergeist or evil dead. And then when the kid killed his girlfriend- i most threw up. that was a disgusting POV murder which is just too ill, I approximate the filmmakers were trying to copy Funny Games and the level which the audience is complicit. well it failed and this movie is probably one of the worst i have e'er seen. too many plot holes, non a fun scary ride. just sick, stupid, and LAME

I have to say the actor who plays Lance is fantastic, he was groovy in the first film but just chewing scenery and hamming it upwards in this mess. the whole affair was totally derivative of other, amend horror films. Im bellyaching because I totally recommended GE i to tons of people, and this film is then bad it actually goes far enough as to ruin the first i for me too. If you want to see a good depression budget straight to DVD with great editing and well fabricated spotter 'absentia' non this tripe.

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